Chris Morris number 2 . . . .

This is my second Chris Morris Facebook friend.
3 Chris Morrises are now my friends on Facebook,
45 have joined my group, but 51 have not yet replied to my offer,
and 13 have answered my questions, so I'm still collecting Chris Morrises.....
Meet number 2,
He's from Marietta,
his interests are; music, guitars, soccer, football, billiards.
Favorite music; Incubus, Brand New, mewithoutyou, Radiohead, Modest Mouse, The Strokes, Cake, Phantom Planet, Bloc Party,
( it goes on and on and on . . . . . . . )
Favorite TV shows; The Simpsons, Conan O'Brien, VH1 Shows.
Favorite Movies; Wes Anderson films, the Goonies, Lord of the Rings, Frat Pack stuff, Snatch . . . . . . . goes on again!
College; Geogia Tech studying Industrial & Systems engineering
Highschool; McEachern High School
Employer; Shaw Group
Position; Co-op
Personally Im finding the photographs most interesting. . . . .
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