Thursday, May 17, 2007

Group update!

I have found out how to become admin of the rands group, and David Rands has finally made me admin and therefore I have been able to message all the 33 other Rands!
So hopefully the friends requests will come flooding in, and then I check out their profiles!

Im thinking im gonna ask them all to send me a self portrait, signature and family tree???
And im quite liking the idea of sending them a life size cut out of me, and get them to film or photograph a day out with them?
Quite like the idea of family trees...
Or maybe send a photo of me to one rands and then they stick a photo of themselves on it and send it to the next, then so on, so then i get back a collage/collection of Rands's, but thats gona be a bit complicated,
it all depends on how co-operative they are...
come on Rands's!


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