Thursday, November 16, 2006


Any ideas? nope.
So I started by asking people around, which kind of lead into a little tally chart thing, im asking as many people as possible if they know who he is, so im going to keep on doing this.
My next step was to look him up on good old Google! Which lead me to Wikipedia which came up with 9 Chris Morris's . . .
1 comedy writer and satirist
2 writer and gay rights activist
3 basketball player
4 footballer
5 musician of Paper Lace
6 DJ
7 New Zealand footballer
8 American football player
9 Australian businessman

Which got me thinking that there must be loads of Chris Morris's out there, do we have to stick to one?
Sothen I looked them up in the phone book and found 7 C.Morris's and thought I could maybe write to them and see if they are willing to tell me a bit about themselves, not sure what yet though! I was originally gona phone them but they might think im a stalker or something.
I would also like to photograph all the Chris Morris's out there, but Im not sure how to find them!


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